The Grimoire

Our grimoire is our blog. It represents our universe where you will find in-depth articles and recipes.

The articles: A dive each time into the fascinating world of spices from all its angles (historical, botanical, sometimes chemical and of course culinary). Each article is written entirely by Max.

Recipes: Recipes from our chefs, those from our local partner Recettes & Cabas, from our blogger friends, and simply from our friends!

Likouala Vanilla Bourbon and Pepper Crème Brûlée

Posted on 08/06/23 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Here is a delicious burnt cream revisited with pepper from Likouala, by Ambroise, chef at the Totem and Temp restaurant in Lyon.
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Sichuan Pepper Chicken

Posted on 01/03/23 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A simple and delicious recipe to discover Sichuan pepper.
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Chocolate fondant with Tonka bean and Timur Berry

Posted on 22/02/23 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A chocolate fondant revisited with two subtle perfumes: Tonka bean and Timur bay. A melting with almond notes with the notes of grapefruit and floral in the background. Delicious!
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Make your spice mix for your gingerbread

Posted on 23/11/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Here is our recipe for gingerbread spice spice. A very simple and quick recipe to make! Preferably use raw spices, whole unmolded that you will grind at the last moment. You will thus have all the original perfumes of the spices for a gingerbread with taste! Unless you are fully protected, a ground spice loses its aromas. For grind your spices, use a small electric mill (type 2 -blades coffee mill or your robot, a mortar also works) this assembly can also be used in all Your other Christmas cookies. Our mulled wine assembly or our four spices also work to make a gingerbread or Christmas cookies.
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You will make a hell of a discovery by cooking these flakes of small spelles. Super tender and very gourmet pancakes. Turmeric, a little garlic, ginger, and eggs. And "the mystery ingredient" which will give its unique taste to its pancakes, the malted yeast. To serve with a beautiful seasonal salad, endives and apples! Recipe offered by recipes & shopping bags
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Vietnamese salad like a Banh mi

Posted on 25/10/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
The Banh Mi "is a Vietnamese street-food (street kitchen) sandwich based on meat or tofu that can be tasted in a very French baguette! It consists of vegetables in pickles and raw vegetables, coriander and a Sauce raised. We offer it here in the form of a gourmet and crunchy salad for a guaranteed culinary journey. Recipe offered by Recipes & Cabasse
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Spelled risotto with pumpkin and tarragon

Posted on 21/10/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A risotto that changes to make you discover the crunchy and the unique taste of the little spelled, in a recipe that smells good in autumn. We also love the sweetness of pumpkin, in this recipe that does not lack delicacy. Recipe offered by Recipes & Cabus
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The history of cocoa

Posted on 20/10/22 by  Max Daumin     Articles by Max Daumin
The cocoa has a very singular story. Indeed, of appearance little edible at the start. However, he was tamed by the Olmeques at first. Arriving in Europe, cocoa undergoes a long series of culinary and manufacturing innovations, in front of one of the most popular products in the world. Here is its story.
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Vincent Durant, Meilleur Ouvrier de France Chocolatier and Max Daumin have joined forces culinaryly to offer you unique creations of cocoa Grands Crus with Berlingot spices. It is the meeting of two know-how of the Ain. Here is his portrait.
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Posted on 21/06/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Kanelbullar is a pastry from North and Northern Europe who became popular in the 1920s under the name of cinnamon roll. A recipe by our partner
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Chicken marinated in Provence herbs

Posted on 17/06/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
An easy and tasty recipe by our partner Bienmanger
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Curry is universally used around the whole world. Where does she come from? Is it a spice? A mixture of spices? How to use it? How to make your homemade curry?
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Chakchouka (Tunisian ratatouille), couscous

Posted on 03/06/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Originally from the Maghreb, the chakchouka is a pan -fried peppers, tomatoes, onions, to which we add spices and eggs at the end.
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The origin of the Cajun blend or blend

Posted on 31/05/22 by  Max Daumin     Articles by Max Daumin
The Cajun or Cajun assembly is a spice composition that comes from Acadian cuisine (Louisiana French in the USA). It is an assembly of cultures where French aromatic herbs encountered the hot spices of Mexico and Caribbean. A mixture of character, slightly raised, on a background of paprika, garlic, onion, cumin, pepper and aromatic herbs. Where does this mixture come from? What is its origin?
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Veal Colombo, melting Swiss chard and bulgur

Posted on 27/05/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
For a change, here's a recipe with tender veal lightly spiced with colombo spices! Melt-in-your-mouth Swiss chard and bulgur cereal make for a perfectly balanced and delicious dish!Recipe suggested by Recettes & Cabas
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It is with pleasure that we offer you a nice pepper of Espelette Aop from Itxassou (Basque Country). Unlike all our ground spices, it is offered in the form of a 40g glass jar. Several times we had this question: "Why didn't you put it in berlingot so that it could be protected? »»
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Warm bulgur salad with orange and walnuts

Posted on 20/05/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Here's a refreshing change from the classic tabbouleh, with bulgur and fruit for a sweet-and-sour twist. We love this sunny, colorful salad that heralds the arrival of summer!
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There are two types of salts in the world: marine salts and gem salts or rock salts. Gem referring to gemology, studying stones. What are their differences? What salt can I use for my mill?
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Yellow vegetable curry with wheat noodles

Posted on 16/05/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A round trip to Bangkok with this recipe featuring a thousand and one exotic flavors, thanks to Max Daumin's curry paste and spices.Recipe suggested by Recettes & Cabas
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Harira (Moroccan soup) with dates

Posted on 10/03/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Take a trip to Morocco with the famous traditional Harira soup, made with lentils and crushed tomatoes, mixed with vegetables, spices and dates... A wonderful promise of oriental flavors! Bon appétit! Recipe suggested by Recettes & Cabas
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Korma cauliflower, basmati rice

Posted on 10/02/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A vegetarian recipe full of pep! Oven-roasted cauliflower with spices for maximum flavor, and rice to balance out the recipe, served with a highly original cashew-based sauce! A great discovery to try! To accentuate the Indian flavor of this dish, you can add 1cc of cardamom powder and serve it hot with lime wedges. You can add fresh coriander just before serving.recipe suggested by Recettes & Cabas
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Oatmeal pancakes - Fondue of leeks with curry

Posted on 03/02/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Playful and well-balanced, this seasonal recipe is sure to appeal to vegetarian and non-vegetarian eaters alike! A clever blend of rolled oats, curry powder, onions and eggs, to make your own healthy, crispy patties, accompanied by a leek fondue that you can also season with curry powder - we love it! Recipe suggested by Recettes & Cabas
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Ras el Hanout, what is it?

Posted on 27/01/22 by  Max Daumin     Articles by Max Daumin
Ras el Hanout is one of the world's most complex spice blends. It's a blend that can be used in place of a curry, and its flavors transport you to a faraway imagination.
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If there's one of the world's most popular spices, it's cinnamon. It can be found in many dishes, drinks, desserts and pastries. It's also a seasonal spice, coming back with a vengeance every winter, to be found in cakes, cookies and gingerbread, and sometimes even as decorations on our Christmas tables! For as long as human beings have consumed spices, they have been quick to learn that most of them can be beneficial to the body, and that some can be included in the pharmacopoeia. Cinnamon has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic (Indian) medicine to treat respiratory and digestive problems. Today, there are hundreds of scientific studies on the subject. Most of them demonstrate the benefits of cinnamon for our health. So what's the reality today?
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Galette des Rois with Tonka bean and Vanilla Tahitensis

Posted on 05/01/22 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A delicious galette des Rois with Tonka beans and Tahitensis vanilla
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How to use saffron?

Posted on 17/12/21 by  Max Daumin     Articles by Max Daumin
Saffron is often a spice that is not used correctly. Indeed, it is common to hear that saffron brings little flavour, that its potency is relatively weak. (Saffron, like vanilla, is an infusion spice, and should be used as such. The few pistils added at the end of cooking will only have an aesthetic effect, not a taste.
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Sea bream fillets with citrus fruits

Posted on 14/12/21 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
This recipe is a classic of Moroccan cuisine. Moroccan cuisine is characterized by its variety of dishes of Arab, Jewish and Berber origin. It's a cuisine in which spices and aromatic herbs play a predominant role. You can add fresh coriander just before serving.recipe suggested by Recettes & Cabas
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An easy-to-make veal stir-fry with cream and melting spiced carrots from Recettes & Cabas
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The spices are indisputably linked to the Christmas period. They are used in both sweet and salty preparations, infusion and even decoration. What is the origin of this tradition? What are the Christmas spices? What are their uses? Before discovering these, it is necessary to immerse yourself for a few moments in the Middle Ages.
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Ras el Hanout is one of the most complex spice blends you can find. Traditional Ras el Hanout recipes vary from 24 to 27 spices, and some contain as many as 40! Here's a look at its origins, history and composition.
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Foie gras is a dish that readily accepts spices. Whether spices, herbs or peppercorns, they'll go wonderfully well with your foie gras. The foie gras should nevertheless remain the centerpiece of your dish, while the spices or peppers add a delicate, fragrant touch.
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Homemade foie gras with Four Spices

Posted on 25/11/21 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
The ideal marriage of spices and foie gras: our recipe for homemade foie gras with our four-spice blend.
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Here, we'll only be talking about the Piper genus, and piper nigrum in particular. This is the black pepper we all know. It comes in a variety of colors, depending on maturity and processing (green pepper, black pepper, white pepper, red pepper, yellow pepper), but is there a pepper that stands out from the crowd? Which is the most powerful pepper?
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How do you define a good pepper? How to recognize a good pepper? How do you choose quality pepper? Are there any tests?
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One test, which is regularly repeated, consists of immersing peppercorns in water and then asserting: “If the peppercorns float, it's because they're of poor quality and not concentrated in essential oil”. Let's take a closer, scientific look.
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Pepper is one of the few fruits that can be used in a variety of colors. You can find black, white, green, red, yellow and even grey pepper on the market!
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Vegetable ravioli broth

Posted on 10/11/21 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A recipe suggested by our partner
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History and origins of the fabulous Kampot pepper.
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Cajun-Spiced Chicken Fajitas

Posted on 03/11/21 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
A recipe suggested by our partner
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Mulled Wine, our recipe!

Posted on 31/10/21 by  Max Daumin     Recipes
Our mulled wine recipe, quick, simple (very) and tasty!
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Showing 1 to 40 of 127 (1 Pages)