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Organic Basil Tulsi from France
Tulsi basil or holy basil is a very popular variety of basil in India. It is mainly used as an infusion, but also in cooking. Tulsi basil or Vrinda (holy basil) is a sacred plant in Hindu tradition and one of the major plants in Ayurvedic medicine.
It gives off a very pleasant vanilla, spicy and floral fragrance, reminiscent of the basil we know. Spicy notes include aniseed, lemon and mint.
This delicious plant will surprise you when infused, adding a lovely aromatic touch to your vegetables, starches, fish, stews, curries and even desserts.
This basil comes to us from the Pays du Garnaguès, in the Aube region of France. Plant lover Sabine, our producer, cultivates this sublime, certified organic basil with passion.
Net weight : 15g
Usage : Infusion, Meat, Vegetables, Salads, Fish
Label : Organic Agriculture
Conditionnement : Resealable kraft bag

Plant & perfume
Holy basil (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is an erect, many-branched subshrub, 30 to 60 cm high, with hairy stems. Leaves are green or violet; simple, petiolate, with an oval blade up to 5 cm long, usually with a slightly toothed margin; strongly scented.
Tulsi or Vrinda (holy basil) is a sacred plant in Hindu tradition. Hindus consider it to be an earthly manifestation of the goddess Tulasi; she is regarded as the avatar of Lakshmi, and therefore the consort of the god Vishnu . In another iteration, as Vrinda, she is married to Jalandhara . The offering of its leaves is recommended in the ritual worship of Vishnu and his avatars, such as Krishna and Vithoba.
Traditionally, tulasi or tulsi is planted in the central courtyard of Hindu homes. The plant is cultivated for religious purposes and for its essential oil.

Cooking and Virtue
As an infusion, Tulsi Basil stands on its own, so aromatic and powerful is its taste. However, it can easily be blended with other plants.
In the kitchen, it adds an original touch as a final sprinkle or in sauces and stuffings. Holy basil leaves, called kaphrao in Thai, are commonly used in Thai cuisine for certain stir-fries and curries such as phat kaphrao, a Thai holy basil stir-fry with meat, seafood or, as in khao phat kraphao , with rice.
Tulsi (or holy) basil has a higher phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Tulsi is an adaptogen, which means it improves the body's ability to combat stressful situations, reducing stress and anxiety. It is said to be the “Queen of plants”.

A long journey
Holy basil is native to the Indian subcontinent and grows throughout South-East Asia.
The plant is thought to have been present in India over 5,000 years ago, when it was already widely used. Although deeply rooted in Indian culture, tulsi basil traveled beyond the borders of its country of origin thanks to ancient trade routes. It reached the Mediterranean region, where it was introduced centuries ago.
Our basil comes from the Pays du Garnaguès, in the Aube region. Plant lover Sabine, our producer, cultivates this basil with passion.

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