Jamaican pepper
Aromatic, with multiple flavors, Jamaican Pepper is a mixture of spices all by itself. It gives off flavors of Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg and Pepper! It is sometimes called "all-spice" "Quatre-Spice" or "Jamaican pepper". But it is neither a pepper nor a chilli, no spiciness on the program, only flavors. A spice that can be used every day. It is sometimes mistakenly called "Bois d'Inde"
Net weight : 55g
Usage : Fish, Meat, Vegetables, Soups.
Conditionnement : Resealable kraft bag

Plant & perfume
Allspice or allspice (Pimenta dioca) originated in Jamaica but today it is produced in both South America and Asia.
Allspice is a tree belonging to the Myrtaceae family that can reach ten meters in height. Between July and August, beautiful clusters of white flowers appear giving way to a fruit the size of a pea. Like pepper, the green fruit is picked before maturity. Drying in the sun will give it its brown ocher color.
This spice is sometimes also called logwood. Indianwood is in fact a very close cousin of Pimenta dioca, Pimenta racemosa (P.Miller).

Cooking and Virtue
Allspice is suitable for both savory and sweet cooking. It is used with cakes, compotes, chocolates. It is very suitable for sweet and sour cooking (it resembles the Quatre-Epices blend). It is used in both meat and fish. It pleasantly enhances soups and soups. Allspice supports cooking very well, use it at the start of cooking. Finally, it can easily replace pepper, using it as such in a pepper mill.

A long journey
It was Christopher Columbus, on his second voyage to America who arrived on Jamaican soil in 1494 who discovered this bay. It will take another twenty years for the spice to come to Europe, brought back by Hernan Cortés in 1519.
It was called "pepper" because of its resemblance to pepper and maybe for other profit reasons it was interesting to bring it from the new continent and sell it as expensive as pepper!

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