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Oregano from Provence
Oregano from Provence
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Oregano from Provence
Oregano from Provence

Oregano from Provence



Foodette, the home-delivered gourmet cooking basket, was one of our privileged partners. We developed a whole range of berlingots in their brand image. Following their closure, we are now offering the Foodette range of berlingots on clearance. 

It's the same promise as our other berlingots: we grind and assemble the spices just before packaging, to give you a spice as if you'd just ground it. The only difference is the design.

Discover here a new reference: Origan de Provence in berlingots!

A major ingredient in Mediterranean cuisine, our oregano comes naturally from Provence. Grown organically, it's sure to add flavor to your southern recipes. A cousin of marjoram (wild oregano), it brings warm, resinous, slightly peppery notes, somewhat reminiscent of savory.

Oregano is the ideal companion for tomatoes (pizza, salads, tian, etc.), but it also works well with all savory dishes.

  • Net weight : 0,5g


Plant & perfume

Oregano is a perennial plant in the Lamiaceae family (Thyme, Sage, Savory or Lavender). It grows in clusters of vertical, upright stems until flowering, when small violet and pink flowers appear. Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is very much a part of southern cooking, but it is widespread throughout Europe and Asia. It readily acclimatizes even in mountain climates. Oregano means “mountain ornament”, from the Greek oros and ganos.

It has a powerful, slightly camphorated taste. Its two most important aromatic components are thymol and carvacrol (compounds also found in thyme).

Oregano from Provence Max Daumin - History