Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana
Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana
Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana
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Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana
Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana
Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana

Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana

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Collected in the Amazonian forest in Guyana (France), the Tonka bean is a remarkable spice for desserts and pastries.

This spice delivers flavors between almond and vanilla, embellished with caramelized notes. She is amazing.

Here you have the whole bean. If you prefer it already ground, you will also find it on our site in cartons.

  • Net weight : 45g
  • Label : Organic Agriculture
  • Conditionnement : Resealable kraft bag


Plant & perfume

The Tonka bean is the seed of a tree: the Dipteryx Odorata (or Kumaru, Coumarou or Brazilian Teak). It grows mainly in the Amazon (Brazil, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and Guyana). The tree which can easily reach 20-30m, gives a fruit resembling a small mango. Inside it is a seed: it is the Tonka bean.

When ripe, the fruits are picked from the ground in the Amazonian forest of Guyana. The seed is removed from the fruit and then left to dry. The flavors of the Tonka bean make it an exquisite spice. These aromas of almond, vanilla and caramel are a pleasant invitation to cook!

Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana Max Daumin - History
Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana Max Daumin - Benefits


Cooking and Virtue

It is the spice of desserts. It is made to be married especially with chocolate and fruit-based desserts. It brings captivating notes to crème brûlée, custard, pastry cream and diffuses its fragrance easily in cakes. It can be considered a substitute for vanilla.

The tonka bean will sublimate your seafood dishes: with prawns, scallops or flat fish (Sole, Turbo, John Dory) it will express itself wonderfully for an enhanced and very balanced flavor with maritime notes. Like chocolate that can be added to beef bourguignon, it is very interesting to add with stews (pork, beef).


A long journey

The Tonka bean has been known since the discovery of America in the 15th century. It is used in the composition of many perfumes and was also used as a flavoring in the tobacco industry. The most beautiful perfume houses have staged it since its discovery (Chanel, Guerlain, Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, etc.).

In the Amazon, it is considered lucky by the local tribes and has very little culinary use. For twenty years the Tonka bean has been highly appreciated by gourmet chefs. Our tonka bean comes from Guyana and is certified organic.

Whole Organic Tonka Bean from Guyana Max Daumin - Origins