Make your spice mix for your gingerbread
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Max Daumin
- 25g Ceylon Cinnamon
- 4g d\'Anis étoilé (Badiane)
- 8 Girofle nails
- 5g Coriander (seeds)
- 1/4 teaspoon Muscade
- 1/2 teaspoon Ginger
- 3/4 teaspoon Cardamom (seeds)
- 4g d\'Anis Vertx
Preparation tips
The recipe is very fast, here it is: grind everything together! It's ready!
Note that we always use Ceylon cinnamon, our favorite, more subtle, more elegant than cinnamon breakage ( To deepen )
If you use cinnamon breakage, lower the grammage at 15-20g