Sauteed prawns with quinoa curry, baby spinach and mushrooms
Sauteed prawns with quinoa curry, baby spinach and mushrooms
Posted by      06/03/2020     Recipes


Preparation tips

  • Pour the quinoa into a saucepan and add the cube broth and 400ml of water. Boil the water. Cover and simmer for 15 min, so that it is tender and the water is absorbed.

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  • Rinse the mushrooms and chop them. Chop the garlic cloves.

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  • Brown the chopped garlic in a large skillet with a little oil over medium heat. Add the shrimp, mushrooms and spices and cook for 5-6 min over high heat.

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  • Rinse the spinach, remove the hardest stems and add them in the pan, mix and cook a few mins until they "fall". Add a net of lemon juice.

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  • When the quinoa is cooked, salt and pepper, mix it with shrimp, mushrooms and spinach in the pan. Continue cooking covered over low heat for 5 minutes. Add a drizzle of olive oil and adjust the seasoning.

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You can add some grilled peanuts or cashews for a more crunchy side. </ span>

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