Fish balls with spices
Fish balls with spices
Posted by      01/15/2021     Recipes


Preparation tips

  • put the bread slices to dip in a little milk or water. </ span>

</ ol>

2. Peel and chop the onion and garlic cloves. Wash and chop the parsley. </ span>

3. In a saucepan of boiling salted water, cook the rice 10 to 12min. </ span>

4. Using a blender or a blender roughly chop the fish fillets (or finely cut them with a knife). Put them in a bowl and add the well-drained bread, garlic, onion, parsley, "bouquet garni" and ginger (optional). Salt generously and pepper. Mix everything using a fork.

5. Form fish dumplings (3 or 4 by pers.) The size of a large nut and gently roll them in the flour (if the balls stick to the fingers , wet your hands). </ span>

6. In a large non -stick skillet, heat the oil and cook the fish dumplings for 8 min. About by turning them regularly.

</ span> 7. Serve with rice and sweet chili sauce.

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